Plans Update

Macy M6 comments6086 views

I know I said that I thought I could get my plans out by now, well really by a while ago… I have failed… I was racing to get them out before MiniM was born because I knew time would get eaten up after that, turns out time got eaten up before that too!  I didn’t get them out and things have stalled for a few weeks but they are back on track now and I expect they will be done in the next couple weeks.  I apologize so much for being so pokey.

James is actually the one man-handling their completion while I man-handle the munchkin (with Denver).  He has paying jobs that take priority though, gotsta pay the bills!  Our two week adventure across the country for the Tiny House Conference made things a little slower… He’s been working like mad on them the last couple days though, and they are coming together really well.


That is our teaser sample image!  Right now the set is about 28 pages going through all the pieces of my house, even millwork since it was all custom (though I do outline ways to streamline and make things simpler/faster for you i.e. using a shower insert instead of a custom shower).  We have tried to keep things as simple and easy to understand as possible.  My goal is to get this set out, which outlines my exact house – as is, ASAP and then follow up shortly after with an option that allows the same/similar house to be built on a bumper-pull trailer (it is pretty much the same except the bed area, my house is weighted to be used on a bumper-pull already).  I also want to put out a plan of my same house shortly after with a bathtub rather than just a shower because that would be kinda nice at times and I have a way to do it!  I am also including a basic foundation details in case you are wanting to and able to build on the ground rather than on wheels.  I have included a few changes that I would incorporate if I had it to do over again.  I will go over these in the actual plan release announcement.  I think that will address all of the requests I have had to date, I just want to make it clear that the first release is my exact plan not including these other attributes but those who purchase the set will get the other info as soon as we get it together!

Lastly, Mike, I got the package and thank you SO much, Denver loves his new toy and I am excited to read the book, it’s right up my alley!  Thanks for thinking of us! 🙂



  1. I love your house because it’s so streamlined, and the colors are amazing. And you have a washer/dryer combo. But, most of all, as I experience increasing knee problems, I love that your bed is not a super high climb via ladder. : )

    I was five or so when I met my first Great Dane. We went to dinner at the house of some friends of my parents, and the Dane came directly to me and pushed me backwards, backwards with his great big nose, until I fell onto the couch, and he proceeded to lick my face like crazy.

    Nice dogs, for the most part, aren’t they?

    1. Thank you SO much Diane, that’s very nice to hear! Danes are known for being overly nice, they rarely know their own size and just love everybody and everything! I definitely have to watch Denver with MiniM, he annoys her with his great big nose sometimes :).

  2. Im new to your site, and you mention a 28page set. Do you have a book or plans coming out? Very curious. Keep up the good work with everything you do!

    1. I’ve been putting together a set of plans for others after enough prompting of course I waited until the busiest time of my life to do so! 🙂

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