First Piece of Wood is Cut!

Macy M4650 views

Finally!  We made it to cutting lumber! Woot!  Other than that it’s not ‘too’ exciting.  These are just some pictures of the process.

Yeah, sawdust :).

Saw #1 (I would say the name but I really don’t know it, radial arm saw maybe??)

Saw #2 Chop saw, totally got that one, possibly my favorite tool, I’m not sure why :).

This is a home made trailer we are fitting around so there are some ‘odd’ dimensions.

More, these are 2x8s for the majority of the trailer floor.

2x4s that we ripped down to 2x2s

I even started cutting the all-thread, this is where I will start back up tomorrow and then actually fasten the wood to the frame, yeah!

My fasteners, I have some nuts and washers for these, this is how I will fasten the wood to the frame, then will create the cavity for the insulation and move on from there, I hope it goes smoothly, I really do think this will be the ‘messiest’ part of the whole build but it is very important so I will probably take too long to make sure everything is ‘right’ for the foundation here.  It’s kind of tough getting a good day of work in with a full time job, two hours a night isn’t cutting it… I am finding I need to rearrange plans to make more time.

More to come soon!


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