Pregnancy Update!

Macy M16 comments7881 views

It’s a GIRL!!! I feel good to know I do have some of those motherly instincts already, even if it’s just a little :).  I have had virtually zero justification but very early on thought this was a girl.   I’m not sure if my last post confused things for people, it sure wasn’t meant to, I am VERY excited to be having a girl, I would be happy either way but this makes things SO much easier, which has been a surprise for me (I really thought a boy would be best).  There is so much stuff that is just going to be better though, public bathroom supervision, Making cute cloths (I am NOT a shopper but there is lots of cute stuff I could make!), and connecting on a level that most boys just don’t seem to do.   I already have a boy (Denny), now I’ll have a boy and girl!  Besides, Denny is very partial to little girls especially, I think he still misses the little girls from the house he was born at.

The nurse zoomed through all of the visuals finding all of the critical pieces of anatomy she was looking for, things are developing just perfectly and MiniMiller zoomed all over the place throughout the whole thing!  I already know she is a squiggler but it’s nice to have that confirmed visually too.  She is very healthy and right on point for 19 weeks of development.  The Dr. said she comes in at about 9 ounces and about 7 inches long, pretty typical beanie baby size, which is crazy.  Her heartbeat is right between 140-150 beats per minute which is totally normal.  All of her blood-flow is going the right way, she has all the parts she’s supposed to have, her head is about 4.5 centimeters wide.  I have only gained a grand total of 3 pounds so far which is actually pretty good considering I just lost a whole bunch more than that from being stressed out, I was happy to make a come-back.  Baby is not suffering at all from that thankfully and my diet seems to be back on track too.  (Hoping that keeps up!)

Now the names begin, I have a few in mind for MiniMiller… The main ones being kicked around right now are: Lux, Hazel, Paisley, Lumen, Daisy, Amity, Lola, Rigby, Artimisha, and Page.  I am certain this list will expand and contract over the next five months but that is where I am with the names since that is the #1 question people seem to have!


  1. That’s GREAT news! When I was pregnant with my one and only child (26 yrs ago) I choose my favorite names and then looked at myself in the mirror, REALLY LOOKED DEEP IN MY EYES, and repeated the names out loud – I feel the baby CHOOSE her name, you can actually TELL by the look/feeling in your eyes what her NAME IS/ SUPPOSE TO BE when you say it. I honestly believe this is the only way to name a child. It worked for me anyways…. Having a daughter will be THE MOST WONDERFUL thing you ever do in this world. Also the most difficult, frustrating, heart wrenching…. But absolutely THE MOST WONDERFUL. I am THRILLED for you! 🙂 <3 <3 <3 And yes- I was a single, struggling parent but I wouldn't have it any other way. With two parents committed to the child she is soooo blessed. As are you. 🙂

    1. That is a great suggestion, I do actually say them out loud and some just don’t fit, there is definitely a feeling about it. Getting the baby involved is a great idea, I will be doing this over the next months! Thank you so much for your kind words and well wishings.

  2. I really like the name choices so far!

    …since you talked about your “boy” I hope you won’t be offended if I mention that I just named my new kitten Maisie – two of the girlfriends in The Boyfriend, on Broadway, were named Maisie and Dulcie, and I’ve loved the name ever since I first heard it. It’s pronounced somewhat similarly to your name, but with more of a “Z” than an “S” sound in the middle.

    Your name choices feel like they’re in that same vein – fun, cheeky, spirited names – which I love!

    1. I love it! I am going to pretend you named your kitty after me :). I am happy to have you describe my name as fun and spirited (and cheeky!) That is what I am going for a bit, this girl has to have some personality to her name! 🙂

    1. Thank you! We have kind of a ‘crappy’ town here called Rigby that I keep getting reminded of, it isnt where it came from and I hadn’t even thought of that but it may not make the cut because of that… 🙂

  3. Congratulations on your expected daughter! I have two, now grown up,
    and feel very blessed. Regarding a name, PLEASE don’t give her a cutesy moniker. If she grows up to be a professional woman, she will
    need a name that sounds dignified.

    1. I don’t think any of the names I have floating around are ‘cutesy’. I agree but I also want a name that is unique. I think she will be a girl that can roll with ‘unique’, she’ll have to learn to 🙂 (or she can always do a legal name change if she just hates it 😉 Thank you for your congrats!

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