Free Tiny House Magazine

Macy M4 comments8809 views

I have been writing articles here and there for Tiny House magazine. It’s been a nice way to interact in the world through these Covid times. This month is a big milestone for the publication, 100 issues! To celebrate they are giving their 100th issue away for free to anyone who wants it. There are some great articles in it (including one from yours truly). I got a little more vulnerable than I typically like getting, I think it’s great to check back in on yourself from time to time. I can tell by the other couple stories I read, I’m not the only one. This is a great issue, full of hope and inspiration and I hope you take the moment to read through the stories!

Here is the issue, use coupon cod ‘THM100’ at checkout time and it will be freez!


  1. I have Loved the Tiny Since I was a kid( tree houses) so have been following, Drawing, redrawing, since the beginning! I would love the magazine! Thank You So Much for Everything! Sincere: KWalsh

    1. Were you able to get in and download it? It is a free digital download, let me know. I hope you enjoy!

    1. Mine? Or tiny house magazines?

      If it’s mine, you should try living the life, confusing is an understatement ;-).

      If it’s the magazines, it’s likely because it’s best designed to be used on a mobile device like a phone or tablet instead of a computer.

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