House Design – Interior
These images are taken from two different 3D models, so if you catch them not lining up, that’s why. James and I have taken the path of doing our own designs, sort of separate and then convincing each-other how they should be. The further it goes on, the closer together our models become.
James and I both work very different. He likes to get into the details straight away and let that help inform his designing. I like to take the 10,000 foot high view first and work my way into those final details. Neither one by themselves is the best way to go but it turns out, if we try, we can work together pretty well!
I have these ‘things’ in my minds eye that MUST work. Things like the bookshelf wall, I giant walk in sort of fireplace, the connected kids rooms, because they like each other for the most part and like to ‘sneak’ into each others space at night. (Miles has cried about 16 different times thinking that once we are in our ‘big house’ he will feel so alone and hate it). We also want a high up place we can go to watch the sunsets (shown above the kitchen for now).
James on the other hand wants to figure out how thick the floor structure is so he can make sure the stair location will work. We’re looking up water cisterns to make sure we can find some that will fit in the basement door as they need to. He’s also spending a lot of time on the site making sure there is room to park and turn around etc.
Right now, this house is right about 1,200sf, which is at the high end of what we are going for. It’s 5 times the size of the house we’ve lived in for the last 13 years! The deck is the same size as on our tiny house, almost exactly. Regardless of my love for tiny homes, square footage is not driving the bus on this design. We want a functional house for our future life phases. It’s going to be as passive as possible and will be designed to cover our needs for the rest of our lives.
To this point, we have built a lifestyle mindset of not connecting ourselves too strongly to any one thing. That has worked for our young self which needed to be flexible to accommodate whatever we needed to as our kids developed. We kind of have a better idea of what path they are on. We’ve done a lot of research to find a community we want to connect ourselves to. Now, we’re building up for grandkids and failing bodies. While we’re not there yet, we can see the future clear enough to want to get our safety net built.
That’s it for this weekends update on the house progress!