Video Tour

Macy M2 comments11490 views

Hey, I did an updated video tour of my house here and how we’ve kind of got it setup in it’s last location!

I actually did this a couple months ago when our grass was still green. It’s basically the same but the veggies are a little bigger and theres a little more smoke in the air from the fires around us. I hope you enjoy!


  1. It’s so inspiring to see how this home has grown and evolved through your phases of life. It’s scary to think about investing/spending so much money and energy into building a home that I might not like over time, but your story makes it seem much more like building your home as you create your life, rather than buying a “forever home” and constricting your life to fit into the boundaries created by those circumstances.

    1. Thats such a great way to look at it! I’ll admit, I didn’t intend it that way but as it turns out, it’s pretty simple to modify as life changes!

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