Patience is SO Hard!

Macy M4434 views

There are so many things I’d like to get started on. We’re doing what we can in the background but it’s getting hard to watch all these best projecting days pass by! Here’s an update though.

We’ve got the shop designed

We can’t meet the requirements of the ‘standard form’ pole barn with this design so we have to hire an engineer to verify it can all pencil out and meet the regions snow and wind loads. It will be nice to have someone check our work, too.

Waiting is SO hard for me though! I think this is why I usually DIY things.

Everything takes longer than you think

I always think things will just fall into place but alas, life happens, too. As we tell the kids, all we can do is our best. This whole year is all a test in patience for me. Fortunately, it has all worked out beautifully so far. We found the perfect place. Found Daisy. We designed the perfect shop. I have faith it will be real before we know it. I just have to breath!

Once we are clear on the engineering, we can pull a building permit and order the supplies. Then we hopefully can still fit in the schedule for the building crew we’d like. Then the building starts.

The tiny house

I have decided I want to just hire the crew who is building the shop to make a small portion of our driveway too. The part up to the tiny house pad. They will need some fill dirt anyway for the shop pad. And it will allow me to get the tiny house up there and placed by the end of the year. I just hope I can make those pieces fall in place before snow season. If not, I’ll deal with that too!

Short and sweet, wish us luck with this whole patience thing… 🙂

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