Travel Trailer Update – 7 Weeks Left!

Macy M6 comments7154 views

What we did:

We had a bit of a short weekend so of course we could have gotten more done… BUT we all have a place to sleep now, I worked on the kid’s mattresses and some finish stuff.  James finished up the gas plumbing.

Whats next!

I think we have pretty much everything in hand but the mural and insulation (which is just a quick trip to the store away).  The goal is to get everything that needs done before the metal, done by next weekend.  Then, in two weeks we do metal!  The metal is the last big daunting thing!  Then it’s all just details!


    1. I LOVE your comments, I think you are just about ready to take your own trip, you’ve been putting a lot of thought into this! 🙂

  1. Bunkbeds! I am only in the thinking, researching, and dreaming portion of my tiny home, but I’m pretty certain I want bunkbeds. My boys are much older than your kiddos, plus they’ll be 15 & 17 by the time I’m ready to build. My question is how much room does your littles ones beds take up? If that is a toddler mattress do you have room to increase to a twin size? I’m not too keen on a loft due to building codes needing a 5ft height ceiling so these will be like wonderful little lofts in and of themselves. I just don’t want them to take up half of my tiny house!

    1. They are actually extendable, for the purposes of this trip they are toddler size, while full timing we will use that extra space far more than they will. I designed them to extend to full length though (75″) down the road (no pun intended ;-)). They are not twin width though, they are sleeping pad (as in the size the pads for under sleeping bags come) width (30″). I think it’s plenty wide for our purposes!

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