Travel Trailer Update! Cabinets and Power

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Denver approves of the couch.

This weekend was my families biggest tradition, Superbowl Sunday.  For 25+ years my parents have hosted a party for Superbowl.  They have had anywhere from 55-160 people over for a delicious steak and chicken dinner and some friendly poker.  This year was no exception.  It was a blast BUT it made for a short work weekend.  Even still we inched forward.  I hope to make it out there sometime this week to mount the cabinets which should really make the space feel more ‘finished’ that it has.  James is about 95% done with the electrical, we still need to buy a solar set up, and he forgot one component but it will be finished up before we know it!  The metal is on order and should be in town around the 9th.

Family Stuff:

Mr. Miles had his 15 month appointment, he’s healthy as can be and already meeting all the 18 month milestones.  He’s a shorty at the 13th percentile for height.  20th for weight and 89th for head circumference.  Every single doctor visit they think they mis-measure him because ‘he looks so big’ but he’s been consistently short.  I’m all for growing them slower! 🙂  He’s starting to imitate every single thing we say.  He’s not great at enunciating but once he gets that he will be starting in on full sentences.  He definitely get’s his point across, with or without words.  And he’s a dancing fool!

Ms. Hazel is recognizing that she is in fact ‘a big kid’ but still has moments of wanting to be treated like a baby.  Every single decision is a waver in emotions, back and forth and back again.  It’s hard being almost 3… her emotions are getting big and she is just starting to try to control them.  They get the best of her most days though.  EVERYTHING is such a big deal when you’re 3… She’s such a sweet girl, everyone is her ‘best friend’ but she only has a few ‘favorite friends’ ;-).  She is begging for a cat because she’s a ‘cat person’… but it’s not happening, we have enough little heart beats coming on this road trip with us!

Mr. Denver has been feeling depressed with all this snow.  He doesn’t get out to run as much as he does otherwise.  I actually had second thoughts about going on this trip with him because I am afraid to make him feel more cooped up.  We had a little sit down at 1am the other morning and I just sat down and pet him for an hour or two.  the next day the weather warmed up, the snow is melting off and the grass is coming through and he seems to be MUCH happier.  I think I just need to make sure he gets some one on one time with me too.  I’m his person and I need to remember that, especially when it gets hectic.  I do think he will have a blast on this impending road trip!

James and I are doing well, I have work days, he has days with the kids solo. He’s easing off of his work obligations in an effort to transition to our road trip schedule.  We’ve written out a schedule so we can have dates to look forward to.  Every Friday is a must have date night, sometimes with the whole family, sometimes the girls and the boys will go out separate, sometimes A mommy/son and Daddy/daughter date and SOMETIMES, we pawn the kids off on a grandma and have a real date, just the two of us.  It’s so nice getting to see the light at the end of the baby years tunnel!  These baby years are no joke!  The babies happened fast in our relationship and it feels like we are getting back to a spot in life where we can explore getting to know each other as individuals again!  It’s a nice change!

I hope you all have been as well!

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