Travel Trailer Update – Framing, Check!

Macy M3 comments8771 views

We got done framing our mini beast!  I feel like the hardest step is behind us!  Once we got the interior panels up our thunder was taken but we had to finish framing (gluing and stapling) the exterior front/back and roof.  That involved bending more sheets of 1/4″ plywood to the right curve.  It’s really been a rewarding process and James and I haven’t even fought about it for a long time!  We’ve been quite the pair and we both agreed that it’s pretty cool to be with someone who likes these sorts of projects as much as we each do… I don’t think any of our ex’s have been as cool as each of us (hahahahaha!) It’s been fun and relaxing with the bonus of a sense of accomplishment!!

Denver and the kids seem to like it too… we’ll see if that is really true once we’re 1,000 miles from ‘home’.  I think the next steps are to move inside.  We will be busy with some travel and our latest sad news for at least a couple weekends but when we get to get back to it I think we will start inside.  We have to pound in some of the staples, fill them and probably paint and then we’re going to build out the kitchen first, then the couch/bed probably.  Then bathroom and bunks most likely.  After that we will insulate and finish the exterior.  We’ve got room to do what we want when we want so that all may change.  We are not planning on running any plumbing or electric in the walls so that will be added after we have some stuff to work with.  We’re looking at being both on grid and off grid compatible so the systems have been somewhat complex (compared to our tiny house!).  Here are some photos of our progress to date and some cute kids I know too!


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