Tiny Houses Meet IRC – Help!

Macy M2 comments6385 views

Help write tiny houses into the IRC – Last 5 Days to Prep!


(If you haven’t heard about this effort yet you can read about it HERE)

To help sign this petition, it cost nothing and could go a long way in helping show the need to get this addressed!

At this point there are SO many hurdles that have flown by:

  • A proposed code incorporating tiny houses is written. (The Morrison’s are A-MAZ-ING!)
  • It’s on the agenda at the national ICC hearing (kind of a huge deal)
  • Fundraising goals have been achieved (the following people will be speaking at the hearing on behalf of tiny house – Andrew Morrison, Gabriella Morrison, Macy Miller, Beth Ann Norrgard, Zack Giffin, Meg Stephens, James Herndon, Martin Hammer, David Latimer, Jeremy Weaver, Christopher Flener, and David Eisenberg)
  • Flights and hotels have all been booked. (Would not have been possible without this community!  We have a powerful team assembled and what I think are REALLY good odds!)

We only have a few more needs

The hard stuff is done, now the details:

  • First – If you are in support of tiny houses being written into the 2018 IRC sign THIS PETITION. (this will be used to show the voting members that this change IS needed, lots of support is good – goal 25,000+ – so SHARE!!)
  • Second, we are compiling letters from building officials across the country. (contact your building department ASAP and ask them “Would having a tiny house code appendix in the IRC be helpful for them?” If they say yes, then ask them if they are willing to add their name and title to a short letter stating as much. More HERE if you are willing)
  • Last, come support the proposal at the hearing!  If you are in the Kansas City area October 22-25th, come to the hearing with us, stand (or raise your hand) in favor of the proposal when asked!  This will make a huge impact and if a respectful crowd is drawn it will be completely unprecedented and speak volumes about the importance of this addition.  More on that HERE

You can read more about this effort from the Morrisons, HERE.

Don’t forget, sign the petition HERE (and read the comments if you want to get a happy feeling of what it sounds like when people come together for good and lift one and other up – definitely not your usual internet comments!)

Thank You for your support and efforts!


  1. Glad to support this. I do want to build but codes make it impossible to find a place to move the tiny house.

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