Miles Turned ONE! Already!

Macy M1 comment6375 views
party time

My littlest babe just turned one.  That means we officially have two toddlers, no more babies!  Sad but RAD!  I LOVE my babies but I have never fancied myself a ‘baby person’.  I am meant for this kid stuff though!  We’re mostly past the delicate, breakable, person stuff!  On to the curious, learning, questioning rebel stuff!



party time
party time

We are unbelievably grateful for Mr. Miles.  It’s amazing just how different two babies can be and still be the similar.  He is our wild spirited, quietly curious little trouble maker.  His favorite things include teasing his sister (he really get’s her going… kinda hilarious!).  He likes mornings best and when his eyes open he is ready to play, no wake up time needed.  He’s got 232 free passes when it comes to smacking his sister around (we’ve been keeping tabs since he was born… he’s starting to sue them!).

Technically he is in the 55% on height, 45% on weight.  He’s been walking for months and is getting pretty tricking at climbing.  He’s mastered the dismount off the couch and is working on the stairs.   Denver and him have been fast friends, they seem to get along better together than Hazel and D ever have.  He can say, ‘dada’, ‘mama’, ‘hot’, ‘I did it!’ and listens fairly well to ‘no’ and ‘be careful’.  He will mimic just about anything we throw at him.  his first animal sound is also that of a monkey (oh oh oh!) We aren’t sure what he will be for Halloween but after feeding him some raspberries (and them getting all over his face looking like blood) we told him to say ‘Brains?’ and he did… so we are thinking a zombie may be fitting… (His sister currently wants to be a ghost princess…)

We’re grateful for this little dude and excited for the next years!

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