The 2017 Jamboree and More!

Macy M5 comments7233 views
Susan made me a necklace to match my dresses! Handmade! Me! so cool!

I have nothing profound to say about the Jamboree, it was an absolute blast of passionate people being engaged in their own lives, I was treated like a rock star, I talked in front of people-not well, but I didn’t fall on my face either, so that’s a win! It was a truly exceptional experience!

If you want a feel for what it was like, my friend Thea said it better HERE than I ever could!  Read that, follow her Airstream rebuild and come to the next Jamboree!!

I did take a few pictures of what I thought was a great resource to see the pieces parts of how a house can go together, this is from a display trailer Tumbleweed had at the event, I found it super helpful, maybe you will too! (the pictures below are of our trip, which spawned a whole other post(s) coming soon I’m sure!)

And these are the family pictures and misc of our adventures!



  1. Nice pictures! It makes me consider gong, but with a (by-then) fully-built Tiny come on my one-ton diesel truck bed. Does it cost money for people attending who don’t need the lectures but just want to wander around, look at the THs, and meet people? Do you think it is worth the money for someone who’s already built their own home?
    Thanks. 🙂

    1. I got more out of the lectures than anything honestly, I imagine you could probably be a speaker if you were up for it, with your experiences and journey and then it’s free… It probably wouldnt be too hard to find some free tickets either, I had several that I didn’t get to give away that I would have happily sent you! I do think it was worth the money, it’s unreal to be around that many people who think the same way as you at least on this topic! 🙂

      1. I’d be happy to speak if I was asked. I’d really like to go to one of these, and btw, that’s quite nice that you’d have let me use one of your tickets. 😀
        Having worked solely by myself for 99% of the build, I didn’t meet anyone in the community and I’d like to meet some of these folks.

  2. My sweet Macy,

    Looks like a wonderful trip was had by all! I got my birthday tickets in the mail along with my TH bumper sticker! You’ll never know what that meant to me.

    Unfortunately, I landed in the hospital with another adrenal crisis, double pneumonia and fluid on top of that. I’m still on antibiotics to rid my body of this tough infection. No trip to CO for me.

    Yes, I was so sad that I had to cancel my Jamboree birthday vacation, but then began to look at the brighter side of things. The sun rose every day to warm my face. The drops of rain from a storm gave our plants their life source water to grow and give us nutrients. Life continues to go on no matter what situation you’re in, so I made a choice to be thankful for every day that I’m lucky enough to live on this beautiful earth.

    I will save my tickets as a keepsake to show me I almost made it. If for some reason, I never get to build my TH, I can be happy for those that did and I can always continue to dream, plan, draw, pick out colors and decide what I would have in my TH. I will live my TH life vicariously through my TH friends and mentors!

    1. I’m very sorry you couldnt make it! You make sure you do SOMETHING! We can celebrate our birthdays together on opposite sides of the country, I’ll cheers ya!

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