I’ve had a little snaffu with Denver and my computer so I haven’t been able to update. I am back on the grid now though so I thought I would share day 3 and day 4 with you. Or rather weekend 3 and 4…
Weekend threes goals were to frame and sheath the addition. In order to do that I had to take down the rest of the siding (SAD!!!), it goes down WAY faster than it went up and I felt terrible ripping apart all that hard work! BUT, form follows function and our needs have changed, I am just lucky I had the forethought to add an areas that we CAN add an addition onto. So I spent the afternoon Friday ripping apart my house 🙁 and cleaning up the areas so we could frame walls and Saturday we. We made some awesome progress, thanks to James’s help, I would NOT have got all of that done in one day without him. He didn’t think we could get sheathing up too but I am a slave driver :). As he was finishing up the framing I went ahead and put the first piece of sheathing up so he would be stuck helping with that too. We had a mothers day dinner to go to that night so we called it quits at 6pm but it wasn’t a bad days’ work! Both walls framed and sheathed. I did run out of lumber so we couldn’t fill in the porch opening. I said I would take mothers day off but I started on electrical and sealing up the insulation cavities… it’s not done but I worked leisurely… 🙂 and we did mothers day-y things that day, visiting James’s family and what-not, I even got a free breakfast burrito out of the deal 😉 (and lunch and dinner)
Some quick proof that I do in fact work on my house… its rare that I am not the one behind the camera but James caught me…
Here are some pictures in no particular order of weekend 3:
Hazel is a precious girl. Luckily you don’t have a huge belly in the way for this build. I can remember trying to frame a rabbit house (shed) being 7 months pregnant. My baby girl got in the way of everything I was trying to build and she wasn’t even born yet.
Hazel is a precious girl. Luckily you don’t have a huge belly in the way for this build. I can remember trying to frame a rabbit house (shed) being 7 months pregnant. My baby girl got in the way of everything I was trying to build and she wasn’t even born yet.