Small Is Beautiful Movie Screenings!

Macy M6039 views

If you have the chance to go watch Jeremy Beasley’s new documentary Small Is Beautiful jump on that!  If you are visiting this site you are likely interested in tiny houses.  This documentary will fan the flames and make you full on PASSIONATE about tiny houses and the life you could be living.  I have seen it twice and I am inspired so much by the people in it, Jeremy put the film together beautifully!

Because it is a grass roots effort it is not widely available and is being shown MOSTLY by individuals who step up and act as the middle man connecting their local theaters with the film and bringing it to their own town (You can do that HERE).

Right now, if you are in the Seattle area there are two days left to get your tickets to go view the film, if they don’t sell enough it won’t be shown and everyone will get a refund… IF you are in the Seattle area it is showing May 5th, you can claim a ticket for the next two days HERE.

I am also trying to bring the film to Boise on May 26th, all tickets need to be claimed by May 18th to make that a reality and you can get the tickets HERE.  I would REALLY love to see more people able to access this film, it is seriously SO inspiring, you will not be disappointed!  As a bonus at the Boise showing I have set up a Q&A panel after the movie where you can speak directly with three Boise locals who have built their tiny houses and are now living the tiny lifestyle (Kristie Wolfe, Ryan Harris and myself, Macy Miller (this site)), we are more than happy to share our own experiences and answer any questions that we can!  

Please share these links with those you think would be interested and consider hosting a screening in your own town, it costs you nothing to do!  Take a second to watch the trailer and then come join us!! 🙂

Small is Beautiful – A Tiny House Documentary [TRAILER] from Jeremy Beasley on Vimeo.

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