Family Update 2.17.15

Macy M37 comments7937 views

1922071_10204725265345949_2688661031626963334_nThank you all for the congratulations over my pregnancy announcement!  To the few who felt you needed to criticize me, let me clear things up:

  • I am a 31 year old woman in a committed relationship with the father of this and our other baby, this is not an ‘accident’, it is a very purposeful choice to have a second kid.
  • No I am not married, that is also by choice.  My choices are not a criticism of yours.
  • I do not need a lesson on ‘keeping my legs closed’.  I have successfully used birth control for MANY years now… thank you though.
  • I know how babies are made, I don’t need a lesson in preventing pregnancy, accidents DO happen, yes.  This is not one of those situations.  Even if this was an ‘accident’ you should say nothing but ‘congratulations’, certainly if we are not on a first name basis.

Thank you all for the concern and the congratulations, hopefully that makes this a bit more clear that there is no need to criticize a pregnant lady (i.e. me), we are known for bad attitudes so that MAY not be in your best interest ;-).

To the nice people, thank you for your kind congratulations, they mean WAY more to me!

We got to see the new little monster last week for the first time, he/she is barely more than a blip at this point but there is a heartbeat!  The heartbeat apparently means they are at least 6 weeks cooked.  It was tough to measure but the estimate puts me right around 7 weeks pregnant, we will know a better number next month.  So far this is a WAAAAYYYYY better pregnancy than Hazelnut.  I am sick for about 5 hours every evening and tired pretty much all the time but it is a day on the beach compared to Hazel, seriously! That was something rotten!  I’m glad she at least came out cute! 🙂

We are getting amped up for the tiny house renovation and making those plans/arrangements, the new/old bed is AWESOME, oh how I missed my bed.   🙂  It’s fun thinking about ideas to incorporate: wall murals, dutch door, storage solutions for toy management :).

Little Hazel update, she’s walking!  It’s so crazy to see such a little person just toddling around as she pleases!  She can say ‘mama’, ‘dada’ and ‘hot’.  She and Denver are becoming great friends, he loves all of her food and she likes giving it to him!   That is one of her favorite things, giving Denver treats!  She knows all the face stuff and will point to our eyes/nose/mouth/ears when asked, she knows about lights, she looks up when we ask where the light is.  She’s getting pretty grabby but will pat things nicely when told to be gentle, including me, in the middle of the night, half asleep… makes me laugh.  We have a pretty awesome schedule of going to story times, play dates and baby classes, it gets me out of the house and she likes watching (and eventually playing) with other kiddos.  She loves the dinosaurs at the library, pretty much is ‘over’ the story time to go play with the dinos… In a nutshell she is the picture of health and happiness and we are so grateful for the tiny house to give us the opportunity to live this way, I love watching her grow up!

Denny update, he’s still growing (22 months currently)!  I keep thinking he’s done but then he shoots up a couple more inches.  He used to be able to walk right under the pantry door just ducking his head (it’s 34″ from the floor), now he bumps it with his back!  I thought I designed that alright, now I I have to actually shut the door so he can stand on my heels while I cook… 🙂  He’s been worrying me getting skinny this winter, he seems to have boycott his food and getting ribby but the growing explains some of that…  I try to put little ‘extras’ in his food so he will actually eat it, it’s been helping and he’s getting a little fuller (happy to say, I think hes 140#-150#, haven’t actually weighed him in a while).  I was happy to hear from our Great Dane group that several other Danes in the valley go through this in the winter.  He’s as handsome and sweet as ever, and he digs his new bed, even if he still sneaks up to mine every now and again!   I WILL be going though some deep spring cleaning soon to get the drool off of the ceiling, that is one drawback, though I am certain that would happen in any size house!  (He’s an impressive drooler…)  Other than that we are enjoying the sunshine and good weather we’ve been having and take frequent walks and trips to the dog park to see his friends!

James and I are also great, he wrapped up his shop/garage/studio project and has a sweet little work space!  He’s going to be renting out his front house completely (he’s been renting half out as is) here soon.  I want to get a video tour of his studio soon, I think you’d like it, it’s a different take on a small space, he did awesome and followed through on all the details which is SO important!  In reality there is still just a little left but I think projects are always that way!   He’s been working a lot which is great when you’re an independent contractor, he’s never had to look for work but pretty much stays at the point that he has to turn some away so we can have some free, family time.  I’ve been impressed at how he handles several different types of projects simultaneously.   It’s tough not knowing if you’ll have work in a week/month but it’s nice to be able to build your life where you don’t have to stress about the down time (if you can get some!).  He’s got some loans and such to pay off but has been well on his way to being debt free as well (it’s nice!).  Once we are both there it becomes a lot easier to be location independent and do some wild and crazy things in life.  I wish we lived in a society where it wasn’t ‘normal’ to be strapped with so much debt and so many monthly payments, unfortunately before we know enough to know better most people have student loans or credit debt up the wazoo…  its sad.  It IS possible to escape it though!  That is our goal!  Soon!

Yup, hopefully that covers the basics, I always feel a little bad posting updates, I’ve been asked for one lately though, and it’s a nice way to document my life for the future me!  Congrats and apologies if you made it this far! 🙂


  1. Macy, I am so sorry to hear that you’ve been given so much criticism. I skimmed your initial post about the new baby, but never had a chance to congratulate you as it’s been a busy few days! But belated congratulations all around!!! For those who are critical, let them read someone else’s blog if they disagree with your choices. Seriously, it’s your life, not theirs, and they can live their lives differently if that’s what they want. You are doing what YOU want, and that’s the important thing!!! Hugs~

  2. I’d say ignore the grumps. They’re just projecting their own baggage on you. Don’t they get how rude that is? But I guess that’s the cost of being public about your personal life.

    Thanks for sharing your journey. I love the design and that you’ve been able to adapt it to a beau, a mega-woof, and kids. I’ve raised 2 kids myself so I’m extra impressed you’re doing it tiny.

  3. I congratulate you and am shocked anyone who feels they have a right to criticize. I think you are pretty amazing and think this new bundle is going to have a wonderful life. Shame on those that feel they are self righteous enough to be so rude!! Hoping you have a peaceful pregnancy and Hazel is gorgeous and obviously very well loved and happy!! Denver also… wishing you so much happiness!! Congrats again!!

  4. Macy,
    As a minister, I regard “marriage” as a committed relationship of love, honor, and respect for each other. You’ve got that. I have 5 of nine grandchildren born out of wedlock, but I love all of them the same. I know of a lot of marriages that shouldn’t have happened because of an impending birth. It’s not a popular stance with the church, but its mine. Everyone has a choice to do or don’t. That’s why God gave us free will. We face consequences for all our choices either good or bad. So no need to justify your choice with me.

    For every blog written there are positive and negative comments. Accept that and keep writing. My mama used to tell me…opinions are like butt holes, everybody’s got one. Wise woman, my mama.

    Thanks for the update.

  5. Big time congrats!!! hadn’t seen the previous posts and really glad to keep it that way – how awful for you – so sorry you had to read all of that – dogs have the right idea – pee on it and move one – speaking of dogs – drool on the ceiling – ha ha ha! ewww. Wishing nothing but good luck to you and yours – thankyou for sharing your good news.

  6. I love what your doing and I love watching your family grow! Congratulations! It is most interesting watching your TH change to meet the requirements of your beautiful family! Looking forward to watching and reading more of all the wonderful changes!

  7. It’s amazing how complete strangers think they have the right to criticize your life- I have the opposite problem of never wanting children and I have been called selfish (and much worse!) on multiple occasions- but a very excited congratulations to you! As for Denver and the drool situation, I have a mastiff, two pit bulls, and a border collie and I feel your pain 🙂

  8. Macy, I cannot believe anyone would criticize you for having a second baby. From our family to yours, CONGRATULATIONS!! You are a beautiful, intelligent, loving, progressive woman who deserves nothing love and support from everyone. I’m looking forward to seeing your baby bump emerge and also the remodel. Peace, love, and hugs. Susanne

  9. Congrats Macy!! So sorry you were getting bad responses 🙁 not cool at all. Who cares what they think anyway, right? So happy to hear of your growing family and the renovation’s. Can’t wait to see the pics 🙂 Yay 😉

  10. Congratulations Macy, to you and James! Tell him you’ve got your own 3D printer chugging away — with a nine month build 😉

  11. Although, I love the idea of a tiny house, I am too attached to my husband who couldn’t live in a tiny house. The smallest we agreed on was 1029 but that option wasn’t available when we sold our 2400 sq. ft house so we ended up with a 1400 sq. ft. with master on the first with a loft style with two small bedrooms and bath. (we have four grandchildren) We live in a small subdivision in a small town on Puget Sound. The builder wanted to go up and not do anymore one stories (in case you’re wondering what happen to the1029 sq ft houses).
    Check out the company called Green Pod, they are located in Port Townsend, WA. now I could live in that and have grandchildren crash on the living room couch and floor. They have a model on their property we toured but husband thought it was too small for him.

  12. Congratulations on the upcoming addition to your family. My girlfriend and I just welcomed our first child and it’s been a fantastic and at time terrifying experience. I ordered a copy of Tiny House Living and absolutely love what you have accomplished. Looking at lots in the PNW to build something similar to what you did. Thanks for being a great inspiration.

  13. OMG! Who would dare be sooo intrusive! Some people just don’t have enough to do in their daily schedule; definitely no need to criticize! Macy at 31 you are simply amazing and that’s where we leave it!!!!!!!


  14. Congratulations on making your life just what you want it to be. Being debt-free and able to raise Hazel (and blip) yourself (instead of handing over to some day care) are admirable goals to have achieved.

  15. First Comment on this blog.

    Congratulations on your news!

    I was as shocked as anyone else that people feel they have the right to offer anything other than congratulations. It’s more than just plain rude. It’s shocking.


  16. Hi you guys congratulation for the future little one, I am positive that Hazel will adore the baby brother or sister. I wonder if the addition is started and will you make a video as you progress. You know Macy when I was pregnant way back, when I felt sick I use to eat soda biscuits it really worked for me. Hope you will fell bather and your house addition will go well.

    1. The addition will start promptly when we get back from the tiny house conference at the end of April, I am trying really hard not to tear my house apaart before then 🙂

  17. have just come across your page and I love it ! CONGRATULATIONS on your next little Miracle, I’ve hardly read anything about you yet, but I can tell you are lovely people. I will enjoy reading your updates. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE WITH THE NEGATIVE PATRONISING COMMENTS, I DON’T SEE THEM AND I DON’T HEAR THEM !!!!!!!

  18. Hey Macy, congrats on the new babe. It’s exciting to see another tiny house mama making it work!

    As far as the haters go, as ye ole’ Taylor Swift once quoted:

    “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate. Shake it off, Shake it off.” (hope that’s stuck in your head!) 🙂

    Honestly though, as long as you’re happy, who the heck cares? I have to constantly remind myself of that. This is your reality, gal!

  19. Hi, I am from Taiwan and today is my first time visit your blog. Normally, I just read it and close the window or follow a blog secretly. Somehow after reading this article, I just want to say congrats to you! Don’t bother with those silly comments though I am not sure if you will find my comment or not. Congrats again to you and lovely baby 2. 😉

  20. Congratulations on your latest tiny build!!! So happy for you!!! Such a shame that there are those in this world that feel they need to add their two-cents worth and it’s not even worth a penny! We will always have those that just have to have their say whether we like it or not. I think the miracle of a baby should be celebrated because it’s just what it is. A miracle, so once again congratulations!!!

  21. Macy: It’s been awhile-Sorry! Excited to read about your pregnancy-CONGRAT’S!!
    I’m still determined to have a TH built-saving the cash and purging my “cherished” belongings!
    Be Healthy, and stay Sweet!

  22. Macy, I just wanted to add my own congratulations on the new bambino!!! There is no greater blessing in life!!! I’m always amazed by what people will say to or about someone they don’t even know. I admire you for the choices that you are making for YOU!!! You aren’t trying to shove your choices down anyone’s throat, and like someone else pointed out, they don’t have to read your blog. As far as I know, it’s still a free country. Keep doing what you’re doing!!! I hope to be living in my own TH in the next year, two at the most. God Bless you and your amazing family!!!!

  23. Hi! I’m new to your blog! Congrats on your pregnancy! Just so ya know, My second pregnancy was waaaaaaay harder than my first and my second was a boy. He’s an adorably chubby 6 month old and I have an amazing little angel of a girl who’s 2.5yrs old. I promise it will be an adventure!
    My family is transitioning to tiny house living so I’m so glad we found you. Keep up the good work! Congrats again and poopoo to all you people who criticized! Who the heck do you think your are!?! Asshats, I say!

    1. I hear more people having a rough go at boys, if this is a boy I am definitely the opposite! Thanks for the congrats!

  24. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me…. You have nothing to clarify. Boo on the naysayers. Some people are just plain rude. Congrats to you 🙂

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