Spotlight! The Lightbox

Macy M1 comment6070 views

10434143_10152337552362023_1869889667232730075_nThis weeks spotlight just has to point toward Mr. Ryan with his Lightbox!  His build is cleverly named for all of it’s windows.  He is basing his house off of the ever beautiful hOMe by Andrew and Gabriella.  Ryan is mid construction and has fully immersed himself in all things tiny!  I seriously have no idea how he is doing it all, he’s building his house, documenting it, putting out other great resources on tiny house issues, I hear he will be writing some pieces for The Good Men Project which will help the tiny house concept reach more people AND is even helping out other local builders and wannabe builders (yeah, did I forget to mention he’s also in Boise, ID).

Three of my favorite posts of his are 1) Why Aren’t More Single Men Building Tiny Houses? 2) How To Chose Which Tiny House Plans To Purchase For Your Build and 3) To Build Your Own Tiny House Or Buy One From A Builder.  I know first hand that the documenting takes as much time as the building so to go above and beyond and do research based posts too, crazy impressive!  He is ALSO the man behind our local Tiny House Enthusiast MeetUp Group and hosts meetups often!  (we will be watching Christopher and Meretes movie TINY: A Story About Living Small next weekend!). Stop by his site and let him know if you appreciate all the hours he spends documenting, researching and then making that information public for everyone to benefit from, aside from liking tiny houses he’s a heck of a guy!  🙂

For more info on Ryan you can find his website HERE

and his Facebook HERE

For credit’s sake I believe Kari (the one in the middle) took these images but I’m not positive, I just stole them from Facebook 🙂

He looks all nice…


…But he’ll get ya! Just kidding!

On a personal note, I finished my very first ebook, I will be making it available just as soon as I figure out the whole publishing thing (shooting for this week), keep your eyes out for it OR sign up for my newsletter here and I’ll send you a link!

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