SPOTLIGHT!! Unboxed House

Macy M5687 views

I keep meaning to spotlight some of the awesome houses I continually find online, seriously this small house thing is booming and I just LOVE all of the insanely creative and unique houses coming out!  Tonight just happened to be contacted by Sean, who is embarking on his adventure to build a 20′ container home which you can read about at Unboxed House.  I went to his site and, as I often find, was sucked in to finding more about his story.  It seems he and I share a few details including our background in design.  He has some really creative ideas a flowing for his home.  You can read more about his ‘why’s’ here, and see his latest design here.  He is also drawing things in Revit which is a soft spot for me since I too use that program and mentioned 3D printing, another interest of mine!  There are already a great deal of very interesting posts going over various rationales for why he is doing things and a little about his new love interest, the Kimberly Stove :).  I have had a few giggles over his writing and have learned a little too!  I think this one will be one to watch!

Happy you reached out to me Sean, I will be following along!  If you feel so inclined show Sean some encouragement along his path and let him know if you found his posts helpful!

FYI, Sean, I would LOVE to have your FAQs to post as well for others (of course pointing back to your site), you can find the questions here!
Sean’s current design via

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