Tiny House Meet-Up Group

Macy M6344 views

So Ryan started a local tiny house meet-up group for those of us in Idaho, you can find it HERE.  I had no idea there was so much interest locally but in mere weeks we now have over 50 members and some exciting events coming up AND best of all… A resource of combined knowledge and man-power.  YOu can find local electricians, plumbers, contractors etc.  There are others currently building tiny houses, right now, here in Boise.  Others besides Ryan even, but he provides beer or goodies or at the very least good company if you come help his build!  You can gain experience, ask questions and help build a house!  And learn of other tiny related opportunities around town, like this week yours truly will be giving a presentation both at the Meridian Library, tomorrow and the Boise Library on Thursday.  Then also, I will be having an open house/BBQ this weekend, you can find the details of that via the group!  So, go sign up if you’re local and come eat a hot dog this weekend with me!


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