Tiny House Nesting Take 1!

Macy M10 comments6077 views

Missions accomplished this weekend, bed swapped out, cabinets cleaned out!  I’ve got some upcoming weekends of food-making and other misc baby things to get done in the next few weeks.  Pretty short and sweet today, hope everyone is well!


  1. You are doing great Macy! Thank you for mentioning James going to classes with you. I was getting worried.

    1. It is awesome how fast it goes, I got a lot done in one day AND there was a big ole nap in the middle of it! 🙂

  2. I love this post! I’m a sucker for organizing and reorganizing, so I think this sounds SO fun! I’d worry about hitting your head on the nightstand (I realize it’s off to the side of the bed), but you’re probably a normal person who doesn’t lunge off the wrong side of the bed…. just me.

    1. It goes fast with no stuff! I tested out the shelf cause I worried about the same thing! I would have to be falling off the bed and WAY up in the corner to hit it, if that happens I have bigger problems! 🙂

  3. Hi, Macy.

    I am new here and have a few questions I would love to pose to you. I am looking into joining the micro-home movement and was wondering if you could suggest any advice?

    Would it be possible to email?



  4. Love the Denny pics, I wish my dog would pose and have his picture taken. It’s great that your planned-for storage worked out; I am so afraid that I will end up with a storage unit or shed full of things I hadn’t foreseen keeping or needing. Maybe part of a chapter in your book about using the odd nooks and cranies for storage?

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