Update 6.30.13 – Yard

Macy M6 comments6861 views

I got a yard this weekend!  It makes the whole place that much cooler, which is much needed for the 100+ degree days we have been having.  It really makes me consider putting in an A/C unit!  If it was more than a week or so a year I just might… So far though I can make things pretty comfortable with the whole night flush ventilation.  Right around 8pm it starts cooling off and the outside gets a little cooler than the inside, I leave the windows cracked to get some cool air throughout and then first thing in the morning I seal it all up.  It stays fairly cool all day, it has been pushing it this week, but it’s about as bad as it gets.   I feel bad that Denny hasn’t had a yard per-say and he loves the grass when I take him out and about so James and I went and got some sod for a small yard.  I have been amazed already at how much it cools things down.  Seems to mitigate the mini heat island effect we had going on.   And it looks homey!

It looks like the 13th of July is going to be the open house.  All of the weekends seem to fill up and it’s the last one in July that I have and I really don’t want to push off the open house into August…  If you would like to get the e-vite and haven’t let me know yet please do (mizacy@gmail.com)!

Also!  I got to head over to Stacey’s build and check out her progress, you guys are in for a surprise!  She has one of the best siding systems I have seen on a tiny house, it looks awesome and is really light weight!  I don’t want to spoil the surprise, I will wait until after she get’s to expose her secrets before I comment any more.  It’s cool though!

My garden is doing amazing!  It has been LOVING the heat, there are several peppers and tomatoes on.  I don’t really have much else this year.  I am thinking about getting some squash an d zucchini but I need some time to get down and do it!  I have been working on a deadline this weekend.  Soon!

Also, I got to experience my first troll this weekend, that was pretty hilarious and a tad scary/creepy, some people just amaze me.

And the last bit from the weekend, I went to the Antiques Roadshow as a VIP with, my brother, James and James’s mom, it was pretty awesome!  We were escorted straight through all the lines to the green room where there were people with valuables prepping.  We also got escorted to the front of the line to have a couple of things priced as well, including my brothers Picasso plate, which turns out is worth several grand.   It was pretty awesome, all thinks to running into some of the cast and crew while out getting Denny accustom to patios and enjoying a beer.  He is starting to pay himself back! 🙂

I hope everyone has had as good of a weekend as I have!  Here are some pictures!



    1. It was a great weekend! I can just imagine riding around town in that car with grown-up Denny Dog… of course I’d have to cut a hole in the ceiling 🙂 hahaha! I do have a pretty awesome life! 🙂 Happy, happy, happy!

    1. Haha I should have explained! Here is wikipedia’s definition, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet), really though it’s just a not very considerate or kind person. This one did some pretty extensive ‘research’ about me in the public domain to try to mess with me. It’s pretty apparent though that he’s just some dude being a troll. I take it as a sign that things are picking up with my site :).

  1. As a former Subaru salesman, if you win the car, do yourself and Denny a favor: Store and show it but buy yourself a nice Smart car, they’re SO much safer and actually larger than the Subaru. Don’t forget, when that car was made, safety was not a priority, and it has drum brakes susceptible to fading when wet, etc. There are just SO many reasons to have a more modern car. Still, I am jealous of your life. You are happy, and it shows. I’m not only jealous, but glad for you.

    1. 🙂 Thanks Eric, I don’t really think there is a shot that I will actually win, they are raffling off 4 rebuilds of the original, not sure if they would have had to upgrade safety standards for that, if it gets to that point I will be sure to look into it! 🙂 Thank you for your very kind words!

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