10x10x10 Poster – Draft

Macy M4 comments8181 views

I have submitted to present at the 10x10x10 Green Building Slam, part of the requirements are to put together a 24″ x 24″ poster to be displayed at the event.  I have taken a rough swing at that and created the image below.  I am not sure if I will be selected to present and if I am I am definitely not sure how I will present my project.  That is to be determined later though.  I need some critiquing on my poster if anyone has ideas.

Here is the description of the event:

Ten Presenters. Ten Slides. Ten Minutes. 
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
5:30 – 7:30 pm
@ Magic Lantern Theater Downtown Spokane
Tickets for sale NOW!

Do you want to see the 10 most exciting, sustainable building projects in the Inland Northwest? So do we!

The 10x10x10 Green Building Slam will give ten local designers, architects, and builders the chance to showcase their most exciting and innovative green building projects in the inland northwest in a fun, fast-paced atmosphere. Each will have ten minutes to share ten slides demonstrating cutting edge technologies, successes, lessons learned, surprises, and more!

Brought to you through a collaboration of the Inland Branch of Cascadia and the Northwest Eco Building Guild.

10x10x10 Poster copy


    1. It is, it’s just sketchup colors though and I thought it looked tacky (could be headtrash from my day job), unfortunately I lost the model so I couldn’t do any other stylized images so i was stuck with those two… I can do a color version tho, it does seem like it will be more friendly that way…

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