Update 10.12.12

Macy M5562 views

I had an amazing opportunity this week to meet with the American Planning Association-Idaho Chapter to discuss Tiny Houses.  Idaho is the first place I have ever heard of holding a conference with a panel discussion like this.  I am so proud of my home state!  Christopher and Merete from Tiny: A Story of Living Small (on Facebook HERE) showed a screening of their movie which was VERY good and followed it with a panel discussion and question/answer session with city planners from all over the state.  What a great opportunity that was to get in a room full of the exact people you would want to be in a room with to push the idea of allowing tiny houses in a community.  It was very engaging, there were so many great questions and so much that was so encouraging.  And then of course I got to have a nice lunch with my favorite man and two amazing individuals!  It was such a great day!

On top of that I got to watch the VP debate with that same favorite man AND take a first swing at designing my millwork.  I think I have decided to build it myself, I kept going back and forth on building it vs. hiring that part done… I think I would feel bad if I didn’t build it myself!  Take a loot at what I show, let me know if you think there is something that can be improved, I always really appreciate feedback!  I am planning on doing the structure out of 2×4’s I think, doing the finish from the cheap white panels and the counter-tops out of the reclaimed birch-wood floors (if that’s ok Stacey?).  Ideas?

Here are some pictures:

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