Updated 10.9.12

Macy M6 comments6192 views

I haven’t updated in a while but I do have updates!  This last weekend my friend Stacey (who is going to start building her tiny house really soon!) found an amazing deal on reclaimed hardwood flooring.  It was FREE.  The ad said it was about 800 square feet, pick it up and it’s yours.  It was from a remodel so it was used but in really great shape!  I showed up to help Stacey and Lou who were already well underway loading up the wood, it must be almost double the amount guestimated.  I am guessing it is a lot closer to 1,500-1,600 square feet of flooring.  I was stretching my brain to figure out how I could use the wood when it occurred to me, I still need some sort of flooring in my loft area, some hardwood floors with look amazing there!  I also can laminate the wood together and make my counters.  I could also use some pieces mixed in with my recycled pallet siding, it’s birch wood, I think it will look really nice!  It’s a pretty heavy wood compared to a lot of the rest of pallets so I will use it sparingly but I think it will look great mixed in!   I am pretty sure Stacey could do her floor, I could do my loft and counters AND she could side her whole house if she wanted, there is a ton of it!  It was quite the awesome find, go Stacey!  We loaded it up and stashed it in the shop for safe storage.

I also managed to get my deck boards on.  I ran out of screws so they are only about half on but I have a deck!  And some window trim!  I have the deck opening to do tomorrow, then I’ll be taking a small vacation but hopefully can get the remaining 6 openings trimmed out and will *hopefully* be focusing on the siding from there.  I think I will make the goal to get that on by the end of the month.  That is a pretty lofty goal though really because I don’t have any more weekends this month and it’s starting to get dark a lot earlier.  I will shoot for it though!  It could be done…  I’m thinking about maybe using a vacation day or two here shortly, I REALLY want it done because then I get to work on the inside.  It is driving me nuts that I am ready for drywall but am making myself wait until I get the outside done… It will look SO cool with drywall… soon!  I also ordered a sample of my tile today, I am using a black tile with sort of a wood-grain-ish texture/pattern, the tiles are 6″x24″ and I think I will quarter them and do the shower out of the same thing.  I haven’t decided that for sure yet but maybe.

In other exciting news!  I get to meet Merete and Christopher this week from TINY: A Story of Living Small, they are going to be in Boise for an American Planning Association Conference.  This is VERY exciting to me, not only do I get to meet two key players in the tiny house movement but my home town is having the first Tiny House planning driven session/panel for tiny houses specifically that I have ever heard of (I’m sure there have been others but I haven’t heard of any).  I don’t exactly know what this is going to be about or how it’s going to go, I am sure I will eventually get nervous to be a part of it but I am so grateful for the opportunity to help influence codes at this level.  Quite amazing really.   I am sure to follow up with an update!  I believe I even get to chat with Christopher and Merete for some special features for their movie, how stinking cool, right??? I feel like a rock star… only I’m not… I’m just a nerd :).   Anyway, it’s been a good week :-).

AND last but not least, I get to go hang out with my cousins Sagey and Mikel this weekend for the annual Halloween party, super exciting!




    1. Thanks Cheryl! That was important to me, I love being outside but inside. I like the protected outdoor space, I think that wing wall is a big deal for how much I will actually use my deck. If I didn’t have that it’s still small enough I would be afraid of a leg of my chair slipping off the side and crashing down with it! I like how it’s turning out!

  1. I like those floorboards. I’m sure they’ll take a kitchen knife with ease, too. I’m kind of sorry that I make fun of hybrid and electric cars now, but not that sorry. 😛

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