Update 7.19.12

Macy M14 comments8465 views

Another quick updated.  I am plugging away very slowly for a bit longer!  I have been inundated with ‘things’.  I have officially cleared my schedule after the 12th of August in order to get back to full swing on the house building.  I re-evaluated my schedule (which i should probably update soon) and hope to be reasonably complete by the middle of October.  I am kind of bummed to cancel some camping trips and fundraiser stuff but it’s for the best!  I need to find my second wind and push through this lull!  The good news is it’s going to start looking cool soon, we are moving into the finishes :).  Thanks for all the support everyone! Here are some pictures:


  1. Sorry to hear about you stepping on a rusty nail. If it makes you feel any better, I did the same thing a few years ago. I was canoeing on a river and pulled over to the side of the river to stretch my legs. Just my luck that where I decided to rest, there was a rusty nail pointing straight up, waiting for me. The nail passed thru my neoprene booties and into my foot. I like to think that it was a clean, rusty nail, being in the river and all. 5 or 6 hours later when I arrived home, I went down the emergency room. They gave me a tetanus shot and soaked my foot in soapy water for 30 minutes (my foot had been previously soaking in the river, but I guess that didn’t count!). Keep moving your shoulder to get the blood in there and flush out the shot. Even pressing a water bottle overhead a few times a day should help. Best of luck on your build!

  2. As long as you get it ready by winter…

    I’m digging the trailer-decking-as-flooring idea, too. Hopefully they used some nice stuff that will finish up properly.

    1. I need to kick it in gear but it should be ready for when the snow flies! (I hope! I hope! I hope!)

      I will make it look cool! I promise! 😀

  3. It’s looking really cool now. We are at or near the same stage of building and I look at the size of your place and then ours and I gasp. UGH, we have a lot of work ahead of us. I really enjoy your posts, they are so inspirational for me.

    1. Its funny, I never 4′ of trailer would have made that big of a difference, i almost wish I had started with a 20 foot trailer, my place seems HUGE. And had I started with a 20′ my roof would be done by now! 🙂 All in good time!

    1. That is a great site, is it yours? Would it be alright to link it in my ‘tiny housers’ tab? Flat roofs are prone to a lot of bad things, and even a flat roof is never really flat (in my area) We have periods of snow and rain that make it pretty necessary to slope it a little. Aside from that I like the look, I’ve always liked shed roofs and subtle slopes. I like that it is almost directional and can open up to one side. It also happens to be the perfect angle to lay on and watch the stars 😉 Thanks for the comment!

  4. Wow! I’ve miss a LOT! You’ve got walls and windows and a deck and everything. So exciting.

    Sorry to hear about the nail/foot collision. What kind of shoes were you wearing? I have a pair of steel toed boots I’ll make use out of during my build but in a hurry it doesn’t seem like getting one stuck in my sole is 100% avoidable. That’s construction for you I guess.

    1. Hi! At least to someone it feels like I’ve done a lot, I’ve been in a bit of a lull, its too hot to work! 😉 I’ll jump back at it soon!
      As far as the shoes, I was in flip=flops… the whole ‘too hot’ thing 🙂 It was really only a matter of time but now I’m all covered with my tetanus shot and am free to step on as many nails as I want… which is 0… but I’d be covered if I did… ha!

  5. Everything is looking great! It seems like we are always passing up camping trips and cabin weekends, but I just keep telling myself it will be worth it when were in our place. I’m sure you’ll feel the same too 🙂 I’m excited to see all of your finishing touches!

    1. I have one last road trip in me and then everything gets put off until this is done! August 10th until complete is going to just be a lot of work! 🙂 I love your site too, thanks for the comment!

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