Quick Shout Out – Kristie Wolfe

Macy M4 comments6662 views

I wanted to do a quick post about another Boise gal doing amazing things!  Please read her first tiny house blog post (that I have seen) HERE.  I learned about Kristie Wolfe after I began construction on my tiny house and boy I have been impressed!  Not only is she one of the most beautiful girls ever this girl has passion and drive beyond limits!

I’m not sure of her privacy setting but pictures of her house can be seen HERE.  She had a recording of an Ignite Boise presentation she gave but I can’t seem to find it anywhere (Kristie, if you see this and still have that video it would be AWESOME if you could post it in a comment?  Or even send it in a link?), it was brilliantly done and very inspiring!  HERE is the description of that presentation.

I hope you are as inspired by Kristie as I have been!  Congratulations on getting your very own land!


P.S. More updates coming on my build soon, I am short on internet for the time being, I apologize!


And HERE is Kristie’s video.


  1. Awwww thanks Macy this is incredibly sweet of you! The feeling is mutual I am always in awe of how organized and well spoken you are about the entire project. I worked very haphazardly with little documentation, your blog on the other hand is going to be a phenomenal resource for folks wanting to do the same thing!

  2. Love everything about this! And the fact that she doesn’t have a kitchen because she lives in an area with a lot of great restaurants? And it meant she got a bigger bathroom? Very cool! That is truly creating your own home, to fit your own needs and wants, and ignoring what the rest of the world does. I like it!

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