Update 6.10.12

Macy M6 comments6212 views

I ordered my roof!

I complain so much about things being expensive but in reality the cladding for my roof and side wall is under 1 dollar a square foot, which is amazing.  But still, $550!  (side wall and roof, and overlap).  I ordered this (http://www.bicwarehouse.com/gentite-white-tpo-roofing-w59gt1407.html)and the adhesive for it. That is my roof, well the base of it, I hope it gets here soon because we have more rain in the distant future and the roofing felt was a complete waste of money with the winds we get out here.   I WAS ‘dried-in’  I no longer am.

I also finally started actually running the wires, it was impossible without the doors, stuff just blew around everywhere!  It is completely overwhelming to wire things but there is no use in having a fear of making mistakes, it’s better to just go straight ahead and make them so you can learn how to fix them that much quicker in my opinion (there is a whole life motto for me ;-)).  So away I went!  I am SO fortunate to have people whom I can call on to double check my work.  That peace of mind in invaluable!  I wired up 6 of the 8 circuits today, one even including a two way switch!  I have one more complex circuit and one super simple one!  I’d just like to see how I did on the two way switch before I do the next one.   I am feeling pretty good about it really though, we shall see!

I believe this (http://www.amazon.com/Avanti-RA751WT-7-5-Top-Freezer-Refrigerator/dp/B0026GE9IK/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=37R5SOCZGKRWV&coliid=I1H6ALGN9ZS7ML) will be my fridge, or something similar, I have also been looking at washing units.  I will updated that once I get something a little more solid.

Today I also had the wonderful opportunity to meet Theron Humphrey who has had an amazing idea.  I am so grateful to his spirit, it’s very admirable and he’s such a great person! I strongly encourage you to take a deeper look at his project, he has interviewed so many amazing people so far from all over the US.  It is SO inspiring to see people chasing their dreams!  He also has a bit of a side project with his pup Maddie, she’s a coonhound 🙂 (I have a few memorable quotes but they would be weird on here without the context).  It was such a fun and unique experience, thanks Theron!

That’s what I’ve got for now! Here are some pictures.


  1. Are you feeling ok? You have color and aren’t all pastey-white anymore… :o)
    Looking forward to the tiny house being dried in.

  2. whats up with the roll roofing? Is that going to be covered or will that actually be the roof? I haven’t seen it before so just curious. And your fridge only needs 2 amps which I think will work good for solar. Are you going to have solar or hooked to the grid?

    1. Hi Ben!!! Thanks for the comment!
      I had a big long response written and it disappeared, I hate that! Long story short though, that is in fact the final roof. I am planning on designing a funky ‘trellis’ system that integrates with the roof but this plastic membrane is the meat of it and the thing that will make me weather tight. There are two types of rubber roofing systems, TPO (my roof) and EPDM, a similar product to a common pond liner. Neither of these products are very ‘green’, they are after all plastic. Typically these roofs are used on commercial applications and large surface areas (think Walmart) where the economies of scale can play a hand making it a MUCH cheaper option than other systems. I think in this case it is going to be a little more spendy than say a metal roof but it suites my needs much better. I have also found out that EPDM is used to repair/replace most RV roofs because of its flexibility. I think that lends itself well to a tiny house as well!
      As far as the fridge I hope it works, I think it will. It’s a bit bigger than I need but I like to cook and I hate to waste food. Since this is actually designed for more than just me I think the little bigger one is a good idea for food storage. The house will eventually be solar but will most likely spend a year or two tied to the grid as I like living in the city and Idaho’s power is ridiculously cheap compared to other places. I want to learn about solar and I will invest in it ASAP but my budget is going to push that out a little unless something magic will happen ;-). The plan has always been for this to be used as a family cabin after it’s time as my home and at that point it will be completely off grid so I am thinking about that now and integrating measures into it now.
      Thanks again for the comment, I really like watching your build, I hope you can get back to it soon!

  3. Hey, lookin good. Please reconsider hanging a ceiling fan in a plastic box nailed to the ceiling. A steel box SCREWED to the rafter is considered a minimum, also plan on installing a ground rod when you get to wherever you are going to setup. Air terminals (lightning rods) might be a good idea as well, inasmuch as you have quite a bit of steel in that unit. Neil

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