Update 6.4.12

Macy M20 comments8090 views

We had an awesome storm tonight!

I was thinking I may crawl up on the roof and felt it, because I was pretty sure it would rain, but then I thought better of it because of the 60+ mph winds that would have blown me off the roof and broken my neck, making this all for not… I decided it can take a little rain and I will felt it ASAP.  I was also planning on finishing the furring for the siding, but again, wind was crazy!  Instead I had a nice relaxing evening in the shop painting my door/window trim.  Yeah!

I have also noticed I have been far too stressed about this whole timeline thing as of late (lease is up at the end of the month, lots of work load etc.), I have been a bit edgy and not enjoying this build nearly as much as I should be lately.  I went inside, cleaned up a bit and replaced all the insulation that blew out and then I took a good hour or so, grabbed a chair and chilled the efff out in my home!  It was great!  Really, this whole project is SOOOO cool!  My house is so spacious to me, I can see it laying out just perfect, I just need to remember to step back and take it all in!

I love my life! 

So my camera stayed at home tonight and my phone ran out of batteries early so I don’t have a ton of pictures again (I am seeing a pattern here 😉 ).  I do have a couple pictures though and I took a video of the storm but I have no idea how to upload it… Sometimes I’m a little slow with this whole blogging thing, honestly instead of figuring it out I’m going to bed!  I trust you all have had an amazing start to your amazing week!


  1. Good girl!!!!! I used to be a painter…..I swear by Olympic Paint and stains…The Haul is in the process of getting a second coat of Olympic solid stain!!!! The Interior has 3 five gallon buckets of Olympic paint / bright white paint waiting to go on!! Going to also use Olympic semi gloss exterior paint (in white) to do all the interior trim (easier to clean and keep clean and just more durable)

  2. Apparently we had the same windstorm last night, although we’re several hundred miles apart. Fierce gusts, but no rain. Did the trailer get to rocking very much, or did it pretty much stay put? I’ve been wondering if these things buck around very much in high winds.

      1. Cool. I guess I have these visions of building my tiny house and then being paranoid every time the wind blows. Stay out of tornado country and I’ll probably be fine!

        1. I’ve also seen it suggested time and time again that when you find your more ‘permanent’ spot that you set it up on jacks and then anchor it down to the ground by some fashion. In most cases digging multiple big holes and filling them with concrete and tying anchors to that, so that the trailer is in tension and compression and can stand either external force.

  3. I like the black ….i could see the entire exterior going black……with you so white(I am almost as Bright white)….people won’t have to look for Waldo so to speak…..because Waldo white self will be in contrast to to the surroundings ! OK I am ducking now before you swing a 2×4 my direction!!!!! DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I don’t remember what you decided on your main exterior color, but I like the black trim, it looks really crisp.

    1. Thank you! Everything is a surprise at this point. I didn’t know I was going with black until I asked her to mix it for me :). I think I may end up staining the pallets a light walnut-ish color, but that could all change! 🙂

  5. The nice thing about black is that it goes with everything… I have a tendency to gravitate that direction myself. I’m certain that no matter what color pallet you choose it will look great. As for what others might think of it, that’s their business, it’s yours and only your opinion counts…

  6. hi Macy! your house is looking SO great. I haven’t been by your blog in a while, but it is looking WONDERFUL!

    and I liked how you “chilled the eff out” in your house. a breakneck speed really does kill the joy of the project. but I guess deadlines are a reality of life…. I’ve heard stress isn’t harmful if you can spin it to be beneficial to you as a whole. like “this is way too much to do this month, but I am learning so much about building and asking for help and working with stress, and THAT is a valuable life skill.” blah blah.

    I wish we could come up to Boise and help you finish it…. maybe you need to host a “workshop”? 🙂

    – Carrie

    1. Thats good to know that the stress isn’t killing me. Maybe I am too much of a drama queen on here. I do typically write my posts at the end of the day when I’m thoroughly exhausted! Maybe that makes me whiny, ha! I really do love the process. Even if I am not going nearly as fast as I’d like to and I won’t make my deadline it is incredibly fun stuff! It will wear you out though physically! Thanks for coming back Carrie! 🙂 I’m glad you didn’t just abandon the whole TH community once you got yours done! 😉

  7. Oh, do post a video on wordpress you just upload it to YouTube (which can take a while…) then while your video is playing on youtube, or while it’s up, you just copy the link from youtube and paste it right into the text of your blog post. it then replaces the link with a cute little video with play button!

    – Carrie

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