Insulation, Day One

Macy M2 comments5826 views

Today was a great day!

I woke up to my first ever personal [cash] donation (Thank you Ingrid)!  This whole thing started ridiculously with a dream I had of living in this space, it continued for very selfish reasons of me wanting my independence and freedom from rent and a mortgage, it continues to developed because of my desire to test out various building technologies, and learn more about the hands on side of construction. It completely blows my mind that others are willing to support, emotionally and now financially, my passions.  That they get enough out of it to feel that need.  So crazy awesome!  It has given me such a boost in moral!  Not that I was lacking in that department anyway, I don’t know, it’s just… awesome!  The boost shall be payed forward!

After that I got a very hopeful call about the roofing product that I’d like to use, it’s very intriguing to me, I hope we can work something out!  Hopefully more news to follow soon.

As far as a construction updated, I got about a third of my insulation poked in.  I have also decided that there is pretty much nothing better than listening to some TOOL  whilst building the home from your dreams, just saying…  I keep forgetting to bring out my new camera and it’s getting difficult to take pictures inside the house with my phone, it’s tough to get back far enough to give enough context of what you’re looking at.  So all you get for today is a couple of blurry phone pictures and a great big thank you for following and supporting me!

I will most likely not be able to have a work day again until Saturday, I am going to try to squeeze some time in on Thursday but it may not work out (I have meetings with people to sell on of my stuff on Craigslist and it’s totally eating into my build time… hopefully it all sells fast, some already has).  If you know me you may also know that I picked up a little side job with the United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Idaho Chapter, it officially began on the first so I will be spending some time each week doing things for them.  I am pretty excited to get back in the USGBC circle but it will certainly cut into my build time as well!  Don’t forget people, appreciate your moms this Sunday if not all the time ;-).

Moral of today, life is good!


  1. It is definitely time to break out the proper camera. I can’t wait to see a larger view of things. I am so impressed with how you continue to stay committed and find time in your busy schedule to keep working away. It’s looking just beautiful!

    1. Thank you Drew! I can’t wait to pull it out into the real world (outside of that shop) and get some good overall shots!

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