Weight Bearing Trailer!!

Macy M4758 views

I have my title, it is officially mine… but more importantly….I have a weight baring trailer!!! It may have taken me far too long to get to this point but I have learned a lot and that IS the point!  On Wednesday night I finished it up.  It is great because I thought I would have to cut the other axle, took it to the place to do that, thinking I would be waiting a few days but they just swapped it out.  The best part is they left all the lug-nuts and leaf springs and everything on so I get to take back some of the stuff I bought, sure helps the budget AND the schedule (which needs adjusted again already ;-).

My next step is to take an inventory of the materials I need to do the floor system and order them, I am trying to get that done for tomorrow so I can keep going!  The ‘real’ building is about to begin!!

Have a great weekend everyone, I sure will!


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