Trailer is Lifted

Macy M5940 views

I am going to file this under ‘funny things I have done to my Prius’.  I use my Prius like a truck, this is about 600 lbs. of concrete piled in the ‘bed’ of my car :).

This is a handyman jack my brother and I went and picked up today to lift the trailer and the jack stands I grabbed to lift the trailer.  Each jack stand is rated to 3 tons, the four should bring me to about 12,000 lbs., I think that should work.

I ended up not needing all of the concrete I bought but I wanted to show how I set this up to be lifted, I have seen a lot of other blogs that have used cinder-blocks but used them incorrectly so they ended up crushing halfway through the build.  I am hoping that doesn’t happen to me but in case I wanted to just show how to set it up.  Concrete works in compression so you have to use the block like it is designed to be used. I have seen a couple other people who have laid the blocks on their side and they are not designed to be strong in that direction.  I apparently didn’t get a finished shot so I will have to snag one. I used two 6”x16” cinder blocks that are 8” deep.  On top of that I placed (2) 2” deep 8”x16” cinder block caps.  On top of each of the caps are the jack stands.  It went up surprisingly fast with my brother’s help.  I also don’t have any final pictures of the lifted trailer but I’m sure you can imagine… it looks just like the trailer before but on 4 stands rather than the wheels :).

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