Tiny House Chat

Macy M1 comment6269 views


Finally, back to it! It has been a busy summer for both Ryan and I but we are getting back in the groove and will be starting back up the Tiny House Chat. Join us September 9th at 8pm EST (5pm West Coast).

This month we will have Kacie Erickson and Danny Dover to talk about a much different topic, businesses and tiny houses, how to set up your own micro business to free yourself from the rat race and start to maximize your life’s potential! We will talk about how to go about setting up and running your own business, limitations and benefits of doing that in a tiny house. Danny has made a living for himself, independent of a location and travels the world while working remotely. He is best know for his journey of pursuing his bucket list. Danny is athttp://www.lifelisted.com/

His TED Talk: http://youtu.be/H0mTXioA3Sc

Kacie is the perfect guest because that is exactly what her business is AND she’s building a tiny house! Check out her background over at www.ikilledthejoneses.comand her tiny house at www.treadingtiny.com.

Ryan and I will also be talking about our own adventures and why we feel they fit perfectly into our tiny lifestyle. The more people who are a part of this conversation the better off we will all be, log in and join us with your ideas, questions and concerns, lets hash some info out together!

This chat will be:

Monday, September 9th, 2013

8pm-9pm Eastern Time (5pm-6pm West Coast)


Mark your calendar!

Tiny House Chat is a space for Tiny House enthusiasts to come together and share ideas and stories. The concept of this is to be for the Tiny House community and facilitated by the community. We hope that this platform will achieve the following:

Develop lasting connections among the Tiny House community.
Strengthen and expand the community.
Foster the sharing of ideas.
Provide a resource for the various stages of a tiny house, from the ideas stage to the ‘is-this-working-right’ stage.
Have a lot of fun and get to know each other better!!
Anyone who is interested will be able to log in and chat via text!


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