1. Man, she looks nice!! May I ask how much invested, or are you selling this and don’t want to give it away 🙂 I have been looking at all of these Tiny Houses for a while now, and this is one of the finer ones I have seen!!

    1. Thanks Paul! That’s awfully nice to hear! I am not selling it right now, I am living in it full time with my dog and soon to be baby girl, I have wondered how much I could sell it for, never enough to actually look into though 🙂 It feels like selling off a child at this point! A lot of hard work and thought went into it! I have kept a budget here, http://minimotives.com/budget/, of the whole thing, in short it is just over 11,400 bucks, I got a lot of really good deals and donated items, I think I saved close to 6k at leasts that way… but that should give you an idea of a fully furnished tiny house, washer/dryer and all!

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